Grain Free Dog Treats

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Grain free dog treats and food are usually formulated to contain more protein and animal fats fewer carbohydrates. Grains in themselves are not harmful for your dog but if you’re worried your dog might have a sensitivity or even intolerance, grain free food and treats can be a good place to start.

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3 Items

Set Descending Direction
  1. Soopa Senior Banana & Pumpkin Sticks 100g
    Soopa Senior Banana & Pumpkin Sticks 100g
  2. Soopa Dog Dental Banana & Peanut Butter Stick 100g
    Soopa Dog Dental Banana & Peanut Butter Stick 100g
  3. Soopa Carrot & Pumpkin Dental Sticks 100g
    Soopa Carrot & Pumpkin Dental Sticks 100g
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