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5 Common Cat Myths Debunked

Published date: 29 August 2024

Our moggies can be mysterious creatures. Sometimes even experienced cat owners can be baffled by their pets

Understanding cat behaviour is key to keeping them happy. So, to help owners get to know cats better, I’m here to debunk five common myths about our feline friends

Myth 1: Cats Hate Water

Whilst it is not advised to bathe your cat (they generally do a great job at keeping themselves clean). It’s not entirely true that cats inherently hate water.

Many cats show a fascination with water, despite coming from desert-dwelling ancestors. Owners report their cats dipping their paws into the sink, glasses, and fountains. The truth is cats are curious creatures and the strange movement of water can hold a certain interest to them. So, whilst cats shouldn’t be washed, they should be allowed to dip an occasional paw into your relaxing bath...

However, one thing that can be a challenge as a cat owner, is getting your cat to DRINK water. When cats aren’t hydrated, they are more likely to struggle with hairballs, and bowel issues and potentially more likely to develop kidney problems.

Watch our video on advice for getting your cat to drink.

Myth 2: Cats Only Purr When Happy

The soft sound of a cat purring is one of the most soothing noises. So much so that there are entire social media accounts dedicated to the varied and delightful sounds of cats.

The science behind purring is simple. To make the soft rumbling sound cats rapidly dilate and constrict the glottis, the area around their vocal cords. As the air vibrates over their muscles the magical purring sound happens.

One huge myth that exists around purring, however, is that it’s always a sign of happiness and contentment. Whilst most cat purrs are likely to be happy sounds, it is important to know that cats don’t just purr to signal positive emotions.

Purring is a form of self-soothing or even healing for our feline friends. Purring can occur during times of stress or after cats have experienced an injury.This is why it is so important to pay attention to the context of your cats’ purring and their body language. Paying close attention to unusual behaviour can help owners spot when something might be wrong.

For more help keeping your cat contented, watch our video for five quick and helpful tips!

Myth 3: Cats Don’t Love Us

Our feline friends love us and need us just as much as dogs do. Even though they might show their affection in different ways

Want to know if your cat adores you? Look out for the following:

  • Rubbing against you - When cats bump against their owners and objects they leave behind pheromones (little post-it notes). These signal security and contentment, a sure sign of their feelings towards you
  • They blink or wink at you - This one might sound a little strange but for cats slowly blinking or winking is the highest compliment. This indicates your cat feels secure and safe around you, their favourite human
  • Showing their belly - This is the ultimate sign of trust from a cat. The underside of a cat is a very vulnerable place. So, by showing you their belly they are saying they trust you and feel safe around you. However, it is important to note that this is not necessarily an invitation to touch their temptingly soft belly...
  • Kneading their paws on you - This adorable movement comes from kittens kneading their mother’s belly for milk. By mimicking this movement on their owner, they are showing how comfortable they are with you

Struggling with an aggressive cat? Read our blog on Why Cats Bite Their Owners.

Myth 4: Cats Need Cow’s Milk

Part of me wonders if cats themselves spread this misinformation to get their paws on delicious frothy milk. The truth is that cats DO NOT need to be given cow milk, despite what they might tell you.

Once cats are fully weaned, they become lactose intolerant. Drinking milk can have an awful digestive effect on cats, leading to diarrhoea and bloating.

Avoid giving your cat milk, instead ensure they always have fresh clean water. If you want to spoil your cat, skip the milk and instead stick to using natural high-meat treats.

Myth 5- Cats Always Land on Their Feet

Our feline friends are remarkably athletic and are capable of impressive feats. Did you know cats can jump nine times their height?

By nature, cats are designed to be fast and agile. Cats do indeed have a righting reflex, whereby a signal is sent to the brain to determine where they are in space. This is how cats can twist quickly to stick the landing.

The trouble is cats sadly don’t always get it right. Cats can suffer from life-changing injuries from falling from heights. This is why it’s so important to keep cats safe by using protective window mesh or by keeping windows shut in flats or multistorey buildings

It is also worth noting that cats can suffer greatly from joint issues, especially as they get older. Learn more about the importance of joint care for cats in our blog.

So, there you have it five moggy myths officially busted. For more feline-themed advice, head over to our cat section.

Written by Lucy Marcham

Lucy teaches all aspects of the Pets Corner curriculum and specialises in animal nutrition, ensuring that our staff have the right knowledge and understanding of pet diets to assist customers with confidence and care.
