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Seaside walkies? How to Keep Your Dog Safe on the Beach

Published date: 11 June 2024

A beautiful sunny day by the beach with your furry best friend sounds like bliss. There is nothing quite like a summertime visit to the seaside.

However, as a pet owner, it’s important to be aware of the dangers, for your dog, yourself and your family.

So, here is our guide to keeping your dog safe during your trip to the seaside.

Watch out for Glass!

The beach should be clear of rubbish but sadly not everyone respects the world around them.

Glass, empty cans, and other sharp objects can be hidden across the beach and in the rocks. Be careful and remember to bring an emergency first aid kit in case you need to quickly bandage your dog's paw.

Swimming Danger

Some dogs are born to wade through water, however even the strongest swimmers can get into trouble. Currents and riptides can be extremely dangerous so always check conditions before letting your dog dive in.

On a similar note, it is worth being aware of saltwater poisoning. If your dog swallows’ large amounts of salt water, it can lead to poisoning. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhoea, and seizures. If you spot any of these symptoms get your dog to the vet immediately.

Why not keep your canine companion closer to shore with some floating bright toys?

Sand Impaction

Some dogs really will eat anything, unfortunately, sand included. Normally their digestive system can handle a little bit, but too much can cause impaction.

For dogs will love to gobble up sand, it’s worth not throwing their ball to reduce the amount they might swallow. Remember to be aware of hot sand too! If walking across the beach barefoot makes you dance, it's certainly too hot for dogs' delicate paws.

Pop a tub of Paw Butter or Paw Balm in your bag just in case.

Be Aware of Cliffs

Cliffside walks are some of the most beautiful strolls you can take in the UK. However, they do pose a huge danger to our furry friends.

Our dogs don’t realise the danger and sadly many have fallen or jumped. Keep your dog on a secure lead near any cliffside area.

Watch out for Heatstroke!

One of the easiest places to inadvertently spend too long in the sun is the beach. Keeping yourself and your dog cool is essential. Remember to take plenty of breaks, seek out shade and of course, make sure you are both well hydrated.

It is worth knowing the signs of heatstroke, just in case it does happen, watch out for the following:

  • Vomiting
  • Excessive drooling
  • Excessive panting
  • Restlessness
  • Diarrhoea

If you notice anything wrong, take your dog to the vet ASAP.

For more support for those sunny days, read our blog on Keeping Your Pets Cool

After inspiration for your next beachside or woodland walk?

Written by Lucy Marcham

Lucy teaches all aspects of the Pets Corner curriculum and specialises in animal nutrition, ensuring that our staff have the right knowledge and understanding of pet diets to assist customers with confidence and care.